Fly on kitchen worktop

The common housefly can be quite a nuisance. Hillbans Pest Control is here to help you identify any issues and arm you with some helpful information about what types of flies you might see and how to avoid an infestation.

The Common House Fly:

Alternatively known as Musca Domestica, this species of fly is a major carrier of disease and can infest all types of domiciles. These flies are attracted to food of any kind and even faeces. On average an adult housefly will live for approximately 30 days. The house fly has a four-stage life cycle. These include: egg, larva, pupa and adult stage.

Facts about the house fly:

  • Adults are approximately 5-8mm in length
  • Covered with small hairs that serve as taste organs
  • They live on a liquid diet
  • It is estimated they deficate every time they land
  • They are able to see behind them as they have compound eyes that allow vision of almost 360 degrees
  • They will often lay their eggs on faeces, rotting carcasses and decaying food

The Cluster Fly:

Often mistaken for the common housefly as they are large and black, however, they have yellowish golden hairs on their thorax with a prominent dark and light coloured chequered pattern on their abdomen. These flies are often found in quiet and undisturbed parts of the home, like the attic or wall voids. Large groups of cluster flies may be spotted around a window as they are drawn to the light. These flies are drawn to flower nectar, plant sap, fruits and other organic material, not rubbish or other forms of refuse

The Bluebottle Fly:

Also known as the Blow Fly, these flies are drawn to pet faeces and dead animals and hence are carriers of disease. Bluebottles are attracted to horrible smells and they are able to smell a great distance. These are similar to the common housefly as they also look to lay their eggs on faeces, rotting animals and organic matter. They are a metallic blue colour.

How you can keep these pests from taking over:

  • Keep doors and windows closed or use screens to deny them access to your home
  • Cover food
  • Clear food debris and keep surfaces clear of food and liquids
  • Ensure that all bins both internal and external have tight fitting lids
  • Clean up after your pets. Ensure that food is covered or put away when not in use and always pick up faeces right away to ensure that flies don’t have a breading area.

If you find that you have an infestation of Flies in your home, don’t let these little critters take over! Give Hillbans Pest Control a call at 01983 406 999 and our experienced staff will help rid you of this burden. For more information about our services please visit our website