Summer Guide to Pest Control

As the summer continues and temperatures continue to rise, our homes and businesses become targets for pests! From ants marching across kitchen counters to wasps buzzing in backyards, the warm weather invites an influx of unwelcome guests. At Hillbans Pest Control, we understand how frustrating and disruptive these pests can be. That is why we’re here to help you protect your home and enjoy a pest-free summer.

Here is what to look out for when it comes to common summer pests like wasps, ants, bed bugs, fleas and mosquitoes. 




If you are seeing a large number of wasps in and around your home or business, there’s probably a wasps’ nest or a substantial attractant nearby. 

Signs of a nest:

      • Wasp nests come in different shapes and sizes. They are amazing pieces of architecture that can contain up to 5,000 wasps during peak activity in late Summer.

      • They can be found in various locations, such as under eaves, in attics, or in sheds.


    If you spot wasps swarming around fence posts, ivy, or willow trees, they may be either feeding or starting to build a nest. Unfortunately, we cannot treat a swarm of wasps that are simply “hanging around” in these areas, as we need to locate and treat the nest directly. Our treatment provides a free re-treat if the wasps return!

    Wasp Nest We Have Captured…



    The warm weather and increased food availability make summer the peak season for these persistent pests.

    Signs of ants:

        • Visible signs of ant trails particularly around food sources, it’s a clear sign of an infestation.

        • If you find ants in your pantry or food containers, it’s a strong indication that they’re actively foraging in your home and need to be treated.


      We can eradicate the problem and prevent further infestation using a combination of gels, pods, and sprays.


      Bed Bugs

      As temperatures rise during the summer, so does the activity of bed bugs. Whether you are traveling or hosting guests, the increased movement of people during this season provides more opportunities for bed bugs to hitch a ride into your home.

      Signs of bed bugs:

          • To be sure you have bed bugs is with a visual confirmation such as finding actual bed bugs, bed bug cast skins, bed bug eggs, or bed bug stains.


        We can treat and eradicate the problem with three weekly sprays in the infested area using insecticides specifically designed to target bed bugs.



        As summer brings warmer weather, it also creates the perfect environment for fleas to thrive. These tiny, blood-sucking pests can quickly turn your home into a hotbed of discomfort, especially for pets and their owners.

        Signs of fleas:

            • If you have found fleas on your pet or yourself then you will also have eggs, larva and pupas, as well as fully grown adult fleas.


          We can treat and eradicate the problem with a spray for your entire home using insecticides specifically designed to target fleas.



          As the hot weather of summer arrives, mosquito season reaches its peak. The warm temperatures make them pass through their life cycle faster, so more are laying eggs, and more eggs are hatching. 

          Signs of mosquitos:

              • You can usually spot mosquitos nearby stagnant water, bird baths and water butts. Clearing these will deter mosquitos from laying eggs.

              • Limit standing water to prevent mosquito breeding.


            We can treat ponds, with eco-friendly treatment which does not affect any other wildlife within these ponds.


            By staying vigilant and addressing any signs of an infestation early, you can ensure that your summer remains safe, comfortable, and free from pests. If you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help you every step of the way.

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