Happy New Year!
As the weather is getting colder pests try and find shelter in warm and dry places often in your homes or businesses! At Hillbans Pest Control, we’re here to help you identify the pests most likely to make an appearance this January and how to keep them at bay.

As the weather gets much colder in January rats and mice are searching for food and warmth. These small pests can cause major damage:
Gnawing on wires, insulation, and wood, leading to structural and electrical damage.
- Contaminating food and surfaces with droppings and urine.
- Rapid breeding, turning a small problem into a major infestation.
Prevention Top Tips:
- Seal cracks and gaps in walls, floors, and foundations – They can squeeze through small openings, so it’s crucial to seal any gaps in walls or around windows.
- Store food in airtight containers and clean up crumbs – Maintaining cleanliness in your home can help prevent these unwelcome guests.
- Contact Hillbans for professional rodent control.

Cockroaches are resilient pests that thrive in warm, damp environments. In winter, they’re often drawn to kitchens, basements, and bathrooms. They can:
- Cockroaches pose a direct health risk to humans. They are vectors of disease, known to carry the organisms which cause food poisoning in humans and many other bacteria, such as salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus.
- Cockroaches move from sewers, drains into buildings and human habitats. This means that when they’re in your building, foraging for food and water, they will contaminate anything they come into contact with; food, utensils, and preparation surfaces.
Prevention Top Tips:
- Keep areas clean and tidy – clean all surfaces thoroughly to remove any food residue and sweep up any discarded food debris.
- Fix leaks and eliminate sources of standing water.
- Keep bins covered, clean, and emptied regularly.

Silverfish are most commonly found in damp areas commonly in kitchens and bathrooms. They are nocturnal, but often trapped in baths, basins or chinaware as it cannot climb the smooth surfaces.
While silverfish don’t pose direct health risks, they can damage books, wallpaper, clothing, and stored food.
Prevention Tips:
- Reduce humidity in your home by using dehumidifiers and ensuring proper ventilation.
- Fix any persistent dampness. Spray harbourages with a household insecticide or insect powder labelled for control of silverfish.
- If you notice silverfish activity, professional treatment may be required to eliminate them effectively.

Cluster flies:
While most flies disappear during the winter, cluster flies are an exception. They often hibernate in attics, lofts, and wall cavities, emerging when temperatures rise slightly. Though not harmful, their presence can be annoying.
Prevention Tips:
- Cluster flies can often most easily be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
- We recommend using aerosol fly killers deal with smaller numbers.
- For large infestations, professional treatment may be required – Cluster flies may return to the same location year after year.

Get Ahead of Pests This Winter
Don’t let pests ruin your start to the year! If you’ve noticed signs of unwanted guests or want to take preventative measures, contact Hillbans Pest Control today. We’ll help you protect your environment with effective, professional pest control services.
Contact Us Today!
📞 01983 406999
📧 info@hillbanspestcontrol.co.uk