

Mice may look cute but in reality they are destructive spreaders of disease…

What are mice?

A mouse, plural mice, is a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse Mus musculus.

The average house mouse lives for a year and a single female produces between 5-10 litters annually. Each litter consist of 5-6 young that are able to reproduce at approximately 30 days of age so if you have mice in your home you most likely have an infestation.

What are the signs that mice are present?

Often, the first signs that you have mice in you home is the noise of small running feet and perhaps gnawing in your loft or within your walls. There may also be signs of gnawing as mice need to constantly gnaw to keep their incisors short and you may see damage to wood and walls as a result.

Droppings may be found near food sources and breeding areas and are small, black and oval and mice constantly urinate and defecate, contaminating every surface they touch. Disease and bacteria are easily tracked across appliances, countertops and utensils on their paws and fur. You may also find mouse nests in your loft made from insulation, newspaper and cardboard.

What can I do if I have mice?

If you think that you have a mouse infestation, then the best solution is to call in the professionals. Because of their ability to enter your home through the smallest hole, mice can be difficult to track down and are therefore best left to a pest controller. Because mouse infestation can be endemic and very common, it is at the core of all pest control company’s business and at Hillbans Pest Control, as mice present a health risk as well as a general inconvenience in terms of causing damage to your property, we aim to completely resolve the problem as quickly as possible.